Dear sisters and faithful
supporters of Welcome to Korea International Club(WKIC),
Welcome to the WKIC homepage.
We can view the 21st Century in the context of
what might be called “soft power”. The special attributes
women possess--
notably their sensitivity to issues, their delicate approach to problem
solving, and their
flexibility relative to the application of more traditional
forms of power—lend themselves very nicely to the
demands of contemporary
society. As such, there is a crying need for sensitive and competent women
in positions of social, political and business leadership.
As we know all too well, such transformation does not occur on its
own. To realize meaningful change in the human condition,
with women as the
driving force, requires institutional support, and in this case actually
creating solid, goal oriented
institutions in the first place. This is
precisely the reason why I so strongly support WKIC.
I would like for you to think of WKIC as an important step in the
right direction. Through this organization we are able to
relationships among those with similar philosophical orientation, and at the
same time learn from the diversity of
our membership. Clearly, the strength of
our organization rests on the strength of the friendships we create.
Please know how appreciative I am of your support. The success of
any organization hinges on the dynamic interaction of its
members. Your
feedback, indeed your input to the present and future direction our
organization takes, is critical. Together we
can accomplish much and have a
wonderful time in the process.
Very best wishes,
Jungsook Kim, Ed.D
President, Welcome to Korea International Club